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What’s the point? Why a TaxiFilmFest?

The Berlinale doesn’t give taxis any space. So we organise our own festival.

Taxis have been around as long as there have been feature films. Just as the cinema crisis in the 1970s led to an upheaval from which cinema rose like a phoenix from the ashes, taxi drivers are experiencing a dramatic upheaval today. It is time to take a closer look at what taxis and their drivers mean for our culture. This is the job of the TaxiFilmFest. We show the roles that taxis have played and continue to play in cinema films, documentaries and videos. It’s about people, cities, cars, love and hate. This and much more takes place in taxis and taxi films.

In Germany, there was a functional legal definition of the tasks, duties and privileges of taxis in public transport for exactly 60 years. In 2021, the Federal Ministry of Transport, in collaboration with international brokerage platforms, threw these rules out the window. Since then, taxi drivers have suffered increasingly from unbridled competition from companies that are taking over the market with targeted price and wage dumping.

In order for the taxi to become a phoenix, companies and drivers must reflect on what makes taxis the best means of transport in cities. This is what the TaxiFilmFest shows.

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Why isn’t www.taxifilm.de available in Arabic, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Turkish or other languages?

Of course, we would love to publish everything in every language in the world. Join in if you can help. Write to info@taxifilmfest.de. We’ll explain how it works.
Of course, we would love to publish everything in every language in the world. Join in if you can help. Write to info@taxifilmfest.de. We’ll explain how it works.
We can do German, English, French and a bit of Chinese (simplified). These are the languages of the major film festivals worldwide. We are looking for support for Bengali, Chinese, Hindi and Urdu, because our Indian colleagues in particular have been impoverished by the collapse of the corporate platforms.
We can do German, English, French and a bit of Chinese (simplified). These are the languages of the major film festivals worldwide. We are looking for support for Bengali, Chinese, Hindi and Urdu, because our Indian colleagues in particular have been impoverished by the collapse of the corporate platforms.

Why is the festival taking place from 15-25 February 2024?

 During this time, Berlin is full of film fans, actors, directors and producers from all over the world. They wouldn’t come to Berlin just for the TaxiFilmFestival. We want to make them aware that taxis are an important part of the whole world culture.

How did the TaxiFilmFest come about?

 It’s a long story. Subscribe to our newsletter. There we will tell the story of the TaxiFilmFest.

How does the TaxiFilmFest work?

The TaxiFilmFest is a do-it-yourself festival. We collect suggestions for taxi films and invite all our friends and colleagues around the world to watch them together. You can find all the films in your media library, on the Internet or wherever you get films. We invite you to discuss the films, your work and your life with us. We in Berlin will do it in a taxi, and you choose the best location yourself. Maybe it’s warmer in your place than in the cold and wet Berlin February.
We invite you to talk to us via video conference about films and our work, driving a taxi.

Will there be more festivals?

 Let’s see. First of all, we want our TaxiFilmFest in February 2024 to be a success.
